Payment Methods

Pay With Credit/Debit Card
The available credit card options are listed left.The credit card companies listed above are the most commonly used credit cards on this website.Do not worry if your credit card company is not listed,we encourage you to go ahead and make the purchase.
Please note that HotBraids does not collect your credit/debit card number or personal information when you make a payment.For questions regarding your transactions on our site,please consult your card-issuing bank for information.

Pay With Bank Transfer
Feel free to contact our customer service at for further assisstance if you would like to pay with bank transfer.

Pay With Paypal
1.1 Paypal Account
When you place an order with Paypal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password.
1.2 Credit/Debit Card
You may still check out even without a PayPal account. To do so, please click on "Pay with Debit/Credit Card" and you’ll be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information to complete your payment safely via PayPal.
1.3 Pay Later (Australia / Germany / Spain / France / United Kingdom / Italy / United States)
PayPal offers short-term, interest-free payments and other special financing
options that buyers can use to buy now and pay later, while merchants get
paid up-front. Pay Later offers are included with PayPal Checkout at no
additional cost to you.